Open Enrollment Is Now Closed
Wema Fund is a non-profit organization created to help its members bear the expenses related to the death of a covered member either in Kenya or here in the USA. These expenses are substantial and require payment to be paid shortly after death in order to pay for travel and other funeral related expenses.
Membership is open to ALL Kenyans who reside in the State of Oklahoma and have paid all the required dues in a timely manner.
Wema Fund will have an open enrollment period every January for about two weeks and claims will be accepted throughout the year.
Wema Fund is not a life insurance contract and members here in Oklahoma are encouraged to get a life policy for themselves and their children since the funds paid out from Wema will not be enough for living expenses.
What We Do
Wema Fund’s primary objective is to provide peace of mind for members who are in good standing. We do so by collecting membership dues and payout claims as they are verified by a team of volunteers. Currently the following are the dues: $30 annual membership, $200 endowment, and $60 replenishment due within 7 days of an occurrence. We manage these transactions via the SimpleChurch app where each member registers themselves and five covered members as stipulated in our bylaws.
We Find & Fund
As soon as the Wema Team verifies the death of a covered member, a check is issued in the name of a member who can then spend the funds however they see fit.
We Care
In life, only two things are guaranteed: Death and Taxes and that is why the Wema Fund exists to help ease the financial burden that comes with losing a loved one. Wema Fund also has a chaplain drawn from a local church who will take care of spiritual needs of the bereaved.
Wema Fund Steering Team
- Moses Njengah,
- John Kingara,
- Isaac Mwangi,
- Patrick Nganga,
- Mercy Waweru,
- Caroline Bebout,
- Samuel Mboci,
- Robert Menja
- Chaplain Office